library(limma) ### Read in 2-channel nimblegen array data readNblgn <- function(targetsFile, spotTypesFile, pairpath=getwd(), verbose=TRUE, ...) { # 0. check arguments: stopifnot(file.exists(targetsFile), file.exists(spotTypesFile)) # 1. read in raw intensities: if (verbose) cat("Reading targets file...\n") hybes <- readTargets(targetsFile, ...) cy3FileColumn <- grep("^[Ff]ile.*[Cc][Yy]3", colnames(hybes)) cy5FileColumn <- grep("^[Ff]ile.*[Cc][Yy]5", colnames(hybes)) if (length(cy3FileColumn)==0 | length(cy5FileColumn)==0){ cat("Unexpected File Header of targets file:\n") print(hybes) #browser() while (!all(c(cy3FileColumn, cy5FileColumn) %in% 1:ncol(hybes))) { cy3FileColumn <- as.numeric(readline("Which column holds the Cy3 file names? ")) cy5FileColumn <- as.numeric(readline("Which column holds the Cy5 file names? ")) }# while } # if (length(cy3FileColum)==0 | length(cy5FileColumn)==0) if (verbose) cat("Reading raw intensities...\n") RG <- readPairFiles(hybes[,c(cy3FileColumn,cy5FileColumn),drop=FALSE], verbose=verbose, path=pairpath,...) if (verbose) cat("Determining probe categories...\n") spottypes <- readSpotTypes(spotTypesFile) RG$genes$Status <- controlStatus(spottypes, RG$genes) if (is.null(RG$genes$ID)){ RG$genes$ID <- as.character(RG$genes$PROBE_ID)} RG$targets <- hybes return(RG) }# readNimblegen readPairFiles <- function(files, path=NULL, ext=NULL, names=NULL, columns=NULL,, verbose=TRUE, sep="\t", quote="\"",...) { if (is.null(dim(files))) { if (length(files)%%2 == 0) files <- matrix(files, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE) else stop("Odd number of files: should be two data files for each array" ) } else { files <- as.matrix(files) if (ncol(files) != 2) stop("Need a two column matrix of file names") } if (!is.null(ext)) files <- array(paste(files, ext, sep = "."), dim(files)) narrays <- nrow(files) if (is.null(columns)) columns <- list(f = "PM", b = "MM") if (is.null(columns$f) || is.null(columns$b)) stop("'columns' should have components 'f' and 'b'") fullname <- files[1, 1] if (!is.null(path)) fullname <- file.path(path, fullname) headers <- readNblgnHeader(fullname) if (verbose) cat("Read header information\n") skip <- headers$NHeaderRecords obj <- read.table(fullname, skip = skip, header = TRUE, sep = sep, quote = quote,, check.names = FALSE, comment.char = "", fill = TRUE, ...) nspots <- nrow(obj) YR <- YG <- matrix(0, nspots, narrays) if (is.null(names)) { colnames(YG) <- removeExt(files[, 1]) colnames(YR) <- removeExt(files[, 2]) } else { colnames(YR) <- colnames(YG) <- names } RG <- list(R = YR, G = YG, Rb = YR, Gb = YG) if (!is.null( RG$weights <- YR for (i in 1:narrays) { fullname <- files[i, 1] if (!is.null(path)) fullname <- file.path(path, fullname) if (i > 1) { headers <- readNblgnHeader(fullname) } obj <- read.table(fullname, skip = skip, header = TRUE, sep = sep, quote = quote, check.names = FALSE, comment.char = "", fill = TRUE, nrows = nspots, ...) if (verbose) cat(paste("Read", fullname, "\n")) if (i == 1) RG$genes <- obj[, c("GENE_EXPR_OPTION", "SEQ_ID", "PROBE_ID", "POSITION", "X", "Y")] RG$G[, i] <- obj[, columns$f] RG$Gb[, i] <- obj[, columns$b] fullname <- files[i, 2] if (!is.null(path)) fullname <- file.path(path, fullname) obj <- read.table(fullname, skip = skip, header = TRUE, sep = sep, quote = quote, check.names = FALSE, comment.char = "", fill = TRUE, nrows = nspots, ...) if (verbose) cat(paste("Read", fullname, "\n")) RG$R[, i] <- obj[, columns$f] RG$Rb[, i] <- obj[, columns$b] if (!is.null( RG$weights[, i] <- } new("RGList", RG) }#readNgIntensitiesTxt readNblgnHeader <- function (file) { firstfield <- scan(file, what = "", sep = "\t", quote = "\"", nlines = 100, flush = TRUE, quiet = TRUE, blank.lines.skip = FALSE, multi.line = FALSE, allowEscape = FALSE) NHeaderRecords <- grep("# software=", firstfield) txt <- scan(file, what = "", sep = "\t", quote = "\"", nlines = NHeaderRecords - 1, quiet = TRUE, allowEscape = FALSE) out <- list(NHeaderRecords = NHeaderRecords, BeginRawData = NHeaderRecords) out$Version <- txt[grep("version=", txt) + 1] out$Date <- txt[grep("date=", txt) + 1] out$ImageFile <- txt[grep("^Image File$", txt) + 1] out }#readNimblegenHeader ## merge by column bind merge.RGList <- function (x, y, ...) { if (!is(y, "RGList")) stop("both x and y must be RGList objects") genes1 <- rownames(x$R) if (is.null(genes1)) genes1 <- rownames(x$G) if (is.null(genes1)) genes1 <- x$genes$ID genes2 <- rownames(y$R) if (is.null(genes2)) genes2 <- rownames(y$G) if (is.null(genes2)) genes2 <- y$genes$ID if (is.null(genes1) || is.null(genes2)) stop("Need row names to align on") fields1 <- names(x) fields2 <- names(y) if (!identical(fields1, fields2)) stop("The two RGLists have different components") ord2 <- match(makeUnique(genes1), makeUnique(genes2)) #browser() data.fields <- grep("^[RG]b?$", fields1) # merge intensity information by 'cbind' for (i in data.fields) x[[i]] <- cbind(x[[i]], y[[i]][ord2, ]) if ("targets" %in% fields1) x$targets <- rbind(x$targets, y$targets) return(x) }#merge.RGList joinNg <- function(RG1,RG2){ YR <- YG <- matrix(0, dim(RG1)[[1]]+dim(RG2)[[1]], dim(RG1)[[2]]) RG <- list(R = YR, G = YG, Rb = YR, Gb = YG) RG$R <- rbind( RG1$R[,RG1$targets$Array],RG2$R[,RG2$targets$Array] ) RG$G <- rbind( RG1$G[,RG1$targets$Array],RG2$G[,RG2$targets$Array] ) RG$Rb <- rbind( RG1$Rb[,RG1$targets$Array],RG2$Rb[,RG2$targets$Array] ) RG$Gb <- rbind( RG1$Gb[,RG1$targets$Array],RG2$Gb[,RG2$targets$Array] ) RG$genes <- rbind( RG1$genes[,RG1$targets$Array],RG2$genes[,RG2$targets$Array] ) RG$targets <- RG1$targets new("RGList",RG) } preprocessNG <- function (myRG, method = "vsn", returnMAList = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...) { stopifnot(inherits(myRG, "RGList")) method <- match.arg(method, choices = c("vsn", "loess", "median", "Gquantile", "nimblegen", "none")) if (method %in% c("loess", "median")) { if (verbose) cat("Background correction...\n") myRG <- backgroundCorrect(myRG, method = "normexp", offset = 50) } if (verbose) cat("Normalizing...\n") myMA <- switch(method, loess = normalizeWithinArrays(myRG, method = "loess", ...), median = normalizeWithinArrays(myRG, method = "median", ...), vsn = normalizeBetweenArrays(myRG, method = "vsn", ...), Gquantile = normalizeBetweenArrays(myRG, method = "Gquantile", ...), nimblegen = nimblegenNorm(myRG, ...), none = normalizeWithinArrays(myRG, method = "none", ...)) if (returnMAList) { return(myMA) } else { return(Ringo:::asExprSet(myMA)) } }